Honoring the Employees Leaving the Organization with a Note

Honoring the Employees

5 min read

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Honoring the Employees with a note to an employee who is leaving the company. What do you say? What’s the best way to sign off on a message like this? Sure, some are up to personal preference, but some general guidelines are good to remember. And since it can feel emotionally fraught at times, especially when someone is leaving under challenging circumstances.

Honoring the Employees: A Heartfelt Note to Employees Leaving – Unforgettable Farewells, Tearful Goodbyes, and Powerful Reflections.

A leaving note is only practical if the individual who leaves provides accurate information. It shares their experience with others, not just with people who will benefit from the data. Therefore, if one has had a bad experience with another employee or manager, he or she should tell his supervisor and lay it all out there. It will make the organization a better place for other employees.

What Is A Leaving Message, And Why Is It Essential For The Workplace?

A leaving message is a note that employees leave when they leave their organization. An excellent leaving message is crucial because it allows the departing employee to reflect on their time in the company. To express their feelings. For example, if there was a problem in the workplace, such as a conflict with a coworker or a manager, an employee could describe what happened and what impact it had on them so that other people in similar situations may find comfort in knowing that someone else has been through it.

The notes can be about anything; some companies make sure to include messages about lessons learned, advice for others, thoughts about the company’s future or culture, and other information pertinent to one’s experience there. In the event of a leaving message, an employee may expect to leave an information source that is useful for someone who is interesting in learning more about it.

Honoring the Employees with a note may be left in a private memo or in the form of a letter with a stamp or email. Internal employee messages will post anonymously as well. However, it should never come as a personal email or letter that can use to embarrass someone else.

A leaving message can be a form of creative writing. It can show what an employee thought of the company and its people and offer valuable advice they can take with them as they look for jobs in another organization. The same applies to complaining about a coworker or anyone else at work who may have hurt an employee’s personal or professional reputation.

An individual must leave behind as accurate of a note as possible. It is essential so that other people may learn from this person’s experience.

Farewell Template Example

Here’s a template for something you might want to use if you need to write a note for an employee. Take some time off before returning to work.

Dear ______________:

Thank you so much for all your hard work in the past ____________ months at the top of your game. I know it’s been challenging and stressful, but now that we’ve come this far, I know it’s time to take care of yourself. Of course, you can contact me anytime (e.g. if you need to talk about it if you’ve got questions, etc.), and I’m always available to answer any questions.

Thank you for ______________ years of work here! I thoroughly enjoyed working with you!

Best wishes,

(Your name)

Honoring the Employees who are leaving

If you know any employees leaving the organization and would like to note appreciation in the non-disclosure agreement they have signed, please consider these ways.

  1. Acknowledge their contributions: You can thank them for their oral and written contributions, such as their contact with customers or public relations skills. It is a great way to show them they are important in the company.
  2. Compensate them for future commitments: If you know an employee is leaving but might want to continue some task after departing, such as training or mentoring others, offer them compensation for those tasks now so they do not force into committing to something else before leaving.
  3. Remember to let them go empty-handed: As it is a last assignment, you can give them a bonus according to the time spent in the company. Or you can provide them with something they like that will remind them of the organization and their colleagues.
  4. Make their last days a celebration: In some companies, they do this by giving a farewell party or just a cake to wish them luck in their future endeavors.
  5. Ask for feedback: Many people want to feel appreciated for what they have done in an organization. If you are unsure if they are leaving on a good note. Ask them for feedback and gain their understanding of what you can do better.
  6. Refer them to other employers: If you know people who are hiring the employees who are leaving, introduce them. And give connections to help them find a new jobs.
  7. Thank their colleagues and others involved: The secret behind any employee staying long in an organization is their relationships. Thus, you must let your colleague know that someone was glad to work with them. Share memories they shared while at the company.
  8. Cope with the rumors: For companies, the ones quitting or leaving may become scapegoats for reasons outside their control. One of the best ways to solve this is by meeting with those who have left, expressing that these rumors are not helpful, and demonstrating your concern for them as a company.
  9. Thank their family: When an employee leaves, sending them a message beyond work is always nice. It can be through phone calls or electronic messages. Appreciate them for all the help their family grows during their time at your company.
  10. Shake them off politely: This is one of the best ways to say goodbye to employees from any organization.

Different Types of Reasons/Occasions When a Leaving Message Is Professionally Warranted


Sending a thank-you note to people leaving the organization is respectful consideration. It can also be recommendable for employees who have resigned due to their own decision.


Retirement messages are sent by the company, but only sometimes. If your company needs to do this, you may want to send one yourself.

  • To thank outgoing employees for contributions made during their time at the organization: This is done when there was no previous announcement of resignation, retirement, or new job in advance.
  • To honor employees leaving the organization for military service: A company may send a gift to their retired employee to recognize their service. They may also send a note at least a month before they leave.
  • To thank retiring employees for their service during specific events, like a particular milestone: If the company wants to recognize an accomplishment or special event, it may be appropriate to send them a gift or thank them with something other than cash. 
  • To thank departing employees who have accepted a position elsewhere: If you choose not to “honor” the employee with cash, there are several ideas that you can use for sending your appreciation.

Leaving a Job

When you leave employment, your last day with that company is commonly called your departure date (although it is a termination date). You have an opportunity to say goodbye professionally. Say thanks for the opportunity. Express appreciation for the support and help you received while working there. Thank the people you worked with directly, and emphasize how much you enjoyed working there. It pays to be gracious with your goodbye.


Start using API communications to make it simpler for teams to collaborate at work and during other occasions, like saying goodbye to a coworker. Companies should save time by having people send short, meaningful, well-written messages.

Refrain from writing a long-form of the message. If you want to remember them as someone who made the organization successful or as a loyal employee. Your written words will resonate with the person who reads them and could reflect negatively on the company.

It is best to be brief, specific and to express your gratitude for them. Being in your life during your tenure at the organization. Remember that they will read this message. Regardless of whether they are working with you or not, so make sure that your words reflect how they remember.

Published: June 7th, 2023